Monday, November 22, 2010

Seatac Airport

SEA-TAC AIRPORT, Wash. – Incoming flights at Sea-Tac Airport were being delayed as much as four hours Monday due to icy runways. It comes after a cargo plane skidded off an icy Sea-Tac Airport runway Monday afternoon.
The China Airlines 747 from Taipei was bound for Sea-Tac via John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. It touched down at about 4:45 p.m.
According to the airport, the plane went about 100 feet past the designated landing marker. By the airport’s definition, that means it was off the runway, although it was still technically on pavement.
The plane went to the cargo hangar on its own power. Nobody was hurt.
After the incident, Sea-Tac Airport temporarily initiated a ground stop, which meant no incoming planes were allowed to land. The ground stop was lifted a few minutes later.
Now, a ground delay is in effect, meaning incoming flights are being delayed. The FAA says the delay is almost four hours.


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